First, you don't have to look like Brad Pitt or Robert Redford to make a good first impression on a woman. Physical good looks aren't the most important thing to a woman. The only reason you're skeptical of that statement is you're a man and to men, a woman's looks are paramount. Stop thinking like a man for a minute and learn what WOMEN are looking at when they meet you for the first time.
ALWAYS look your best.
Take a look at these two photos. The guy on the left might not be George Clooney, but he's clean, nice looking and presentable. The one on the right? Well, he has some work to do.

The guy one the left, we'll call him Jim, is dressed casually. No suit and tie, but a nice shirt is what you would expect to see on the street or at the park. He's probably got on some decent jeans or chinos and respectable shoes. The other guy, Norg, is wearing some kind of sweat suit. Don't. NO SWEAT SUITS!
Jim's hair might be sticking up a bit but it is neatly cut. He looks like he cares. Norg, on the other hand could use a trip to the barber. A word about facial hair is also warranted here. Jim is clean shaven, that's good, but in today's styles there is some latitude for some tasteful facial hair. The stubbly look a la Brett Farve can be appealing to some women. Norg looks like he'll be combing cookie crumbs out of his beard.
2) Dress Like You Mean It
Men have worn jeans for thousands of years (give or take) and have looked good in them. Paul Newman, Marlon Brando, and James Dean have all worn jeans and made women swoon. Then there are the guys in the pictures above.
Let's use jeans as a symbol for all clothes. We've already learned, no sweats. Okay, what about other clothes. You can get away with wearing close to anything as long as it's, this is important, clean, neat, and well fitting.
Don't know what kind of clothes to buy? Look in a magazine. It doesn't have to be GQ. Check out People or US. You can see what looks good and what doesn't. Going shopping? Take a woman, even your sister, to help. Ask a sales lady. Be pleasant and smile, she might not be busy after work.