Thursday, April 12, 2012

George Zimmerman charged with 2nd-degree murder (see mugshot photo, picture)

George Zimmerman charged with 2nd-degree murder (see mugshot photo, picture)
George Zimmerman charged with 2nd-degree murder

According to reports that George Zimmerman was charged with 2nd degree murder in the shooting of Trayvon Martin 45 days ago, the announcement was made on Wednesday.

Zimmerman has said that he shot Martin out of self defense, marking a turning point in a case that has provoked nationwide debate over racial profiling.

Florida special prosecutor Angela B. Corey, who announced the charge in Jacksonville, said that “the search for justice has brought us to this moment.” Zimmerman turned himself in and was brought Wednesday evening to the Seminole County jail.

Watch Video here 

 George Zimmerman New Mugshot Photo


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