Thursday, April 19, 2012

Secret Service Scandal Prostitute Photos Leaked

Secret Service Scandal Prostitute Photos Leaked 

Recently, there were reports that several US Secret Service Agents got involved in sex scandal that rock’s the world. Hence, the news spread rapidly and actually surprised the whole world with such scandalous act of some US secret services or agent. And now issue of US Secret Agent sex scandal is even getting hotter. See photos or pictures of Prostitutes below:

According to different blogs, websites that several secret service members hired hookers during their stay in Colombia last week.

And now the said photos of hookers or prostitute involved in sex scandal have leaked online, photos were posted already in different popular websites. 

To name one who is identified as Dania, who was said that she wasn’t paid for her services and that’s why the issue of hiring prostitutes by the US Service Agents came out. It’s very embarrassing on the part of US government (Obama Administration) that some US Service Agent were involved on this sex scandal.

Here are related stories: 

The NY Post reports that Dania, a 24-year-old single mom, agreed to a night of fun for $250. She was reportedly only given $225 by the agent. The NY Daily News reports that the agent completely stiffed the hooker and only gave her $28 for cab fare in the morning. TMZ, on the other hand, says that Dania was hoping for $800 for her services but the agent only paid $30.

Regardless of the amount, the result is the same. After an altercation with one of the American Johns, Dania alerted the Colombian police. After that, it didn’t take long before word reached the embassy that 11 secret service members and nine members of the military were involved in a night of drinking and prostitution while they were supposed to have an eye on the president’s safety.

Photos or pictures of Prostitutes 

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